Hystar awarded funding for R&D project with Norwegian Research Council

photo hystar

We are excited to share the news that Hystar has been awarded funding for a new R&D project with the Norwegian Research Council.

“Energy efficiency and more flexible energy use are expected to have the fastest effect and will be decisive for the extent to which we succeed in reducing climate emissions, according to the Energy Commission.” – Norwegian Research Council.

Over 17 MNOK has been awarded for Hystar to further develop its low cost, high-efficiency PEM electrolyser stack for the HYSTACK-II project.

Hystar R&D Engineer Hamid Zamanizadeh says: “Hystar already offers a highly efficient and cost-effective electrolyser stack. The primary objective of HYSTACK-II is to substantially decrease the CAPEX of Hystar’s electrolyser stack by reducing dependence on expensive catalysts, coatings, and crucial raw materials.”

Read more about the funding: 216 millioner til forskning på fornybar energi (forskningsradet.no)