Hystar’s Christmas advent calendar – Ali Khan

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Today's HyStar sharing his thoughts about the hydrogen industry and upcoming festivities is Analytical Engineer Ali Khan!

What has been the highlight of your year in 2022?

Traveling to Venice, celebrating one-year anniversary of moving to Norway, and working at the best company ever AKA Hystar. 

What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

An ugly Christmas sweater (… which has already been pre-ordered as an early gift to be worn on Christmas day!) 

What’s in store for the hydrogen industry over the next few years?

More widespread awareness amongst the general public about hydrogen being a clean, flexible energy carrier.  

Any New Year’s resolutions you’ll be making that you could tell us about?

Be able to understand the million different Norsk dialects, successfully attempt downhill skiing without breaking a bone, and adapt to cold weather. 

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

Hystar stacks in action in HyPilot!