Hystar’s Christmas advent calendar – Jan Schmidt

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Today's HyStar sharing his thoughts about the hydrogen industry and upcoming festivities is Project Engineer Jan Schmidt!

What has been the highlight of your year in 2022?

When my sketches about electrolyser modules suddenly became part of the company strategy!  

What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

A proper “hoppe tau” so that I can finally become better at DUs (double unders) and compete in CrossFit competitions. DUs are when the jumping rope is going under you twice per jump.

What’s in store for the hydrogen industry over the next few years?

Rapid scaling by building big scale plants out of standardized parts, like Lego. 

Any New Year’s resolutions you’ll be making that you could tell us about?

To become fluent in Norwegian.

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

The first kg of hydrogen we will produce with our HyPilot electrolyser.