Human rights, labour rights, environmental protection, and the battle against corruption – these are values that are highly emphasised within Hystar and throughout our supply chain. Hystar is committed to the UN and ILO conventions as a minimum standard for responsible business conduct; and we plan to go even further than that. This is one of the key reasons I joined Hystar.
As Hystar’s Sourcing Manager, I know that acting responsibly is firmly integrated in our sourcing processes today. When awarding supplier contracts, Hystar’s evaluations are not only based on economic, technological and process criteria, sustainability is a main focus, too. Sustainability is valued as a key role in our supplier management. Moreover, we continuously strive to develop our processes to also be in the forefront in the industry with regards to sustainability. Hystar also need to be a guiding star in this aspect, not only regards the technology development.
We at Hystar are preparing a large ramp-up of our manufacturing capacity and will establish a GW-factory within 2025. Such a ramp-up needs to go hand in hand with our social contribution. Hystar has a long-term goal to show the world that a consistently green supply chain also can be a global leader of PEM electrolysers from a commercial perspective. We want to show that doing good leads to good business.
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